пятница, 13 февраля 2009 г.

The Top 50 Philosophy Blogs

The Top 50 Philosophy Blogs

Philosophy is the examination of eternal problems, therefore you might not expect some of the best philosophy literature to be popping up on what, relatively speaking, is a relatively new medium, blogs. However, the freedom of form and the ability to get one’s thoughts out quickly to a ready audience has attracted some excellent philosophers to produce blogs of their own. To help you navigate the plethora of philosophy blogs we’ve selected what we consider to be the top 50 philosophy blogs on the web today and listed them below.

The top 50 philosophy blog list we’ve compiled includes blogs written by professional philosophers, graduate students, and undergraduate philosophy majors. It also includes joint blogs written by members of a particular philosophy department, organization, or a group of philosophers who focus their blog entries in a particular area of philosophy. We have categorized them by the eight major branches: Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics, Political Philosophy, Aesthetics, Philosophy of Language, and Philosophy of Mind.


This is the investigation of the nature of being and the world. Traditional branches are cosmology and ontology.

1. Metaphysical Blog A blog community focused on metaphysics. Learn about everything from the theory of ascension to crystal balls.

2. The Reference Frame Covers the most important events in our universe. This blog is written from a conservative physicists’’ standpoint.

3. Creative Advance Devoted to discussing the process philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead. Whitehead believed that creativity is the supreme metaphysical principle enticing the universe into novelty.

4. BackReaction Commentary on events in the world from two theoretical physicists. A scientifically minded blog with various amounts of entertainment, distractions, and every day tid bits.

5. One Cosmos A blog filled with humorous revelations from a clinical psychologist. Read about his opinions and thoughts on subjects such as Darwin’s Theory of Evolution.

6. Narrative and Ontology Relate Scripture to the Church in an intelligent and engaging fashion. This PhD student blogger is actually using this towards his doctorate.

7. Nonduality in Thought and Practice Intended to be a collection of thoughts on various issues that either have been presented by readers, or that are of particular concern. The focus is on a non-dual understanding of reality as the pure presence of Awareness, and all philosophical or metaphysical considerations involved in reaching such an understanding.


Centers on the nature and scope of knowledge, and whether knowledge is possible. Its central concerns have been the challenges brought on by skepticism and the relationships between truth, belief, and justification.

8. A brood comb Offers philosophical notes on a number of topics. Posts are about making sense of things, understanding them, and trying to make oneself at home in the world.

9. All Embracing But Underwhelming… This blogs focus is about the philosophy around, above, and about conspiracy theories. This PhD Student has written several papers on this subject.

10. The Space of Reasons Discussions on Epistemology and the philosophy of mind. Read humorous takes on non- existence and famous non-entities such as unicorns and Bigfoot.

11. Alienation News Get updates on the latest topics and news in philosophy. This blog talks about it all; epistemology, philosophy, discovery, and more.

12. Epistemic Value Written by an established Professor of Philosophy located in the UK. He has written several books on epistemology and focuses on issues such as the problem of skepticism, the epistemic externalism/internalism distinction and the rationality of religious belief.

13 Knowability These posts are devoted to issues that are modal epistemic. Gain knowledge from a professor of philosophy at Saint Louis University.

Ethics or “Moral Philosophy”

Deals with questions of how persons ought to act or if such questions are answerable. Ethics is also associated with the idea of morality. Plato’s early dialogues include a search for definitions of virtue.

14. Moral Philosophy and Current Events This blog discusses the use of traditional reasoning as it applies to current events today. Its main objective is to return to the wisdom used by many great ancient civilizations.

15. PEA Soup Designed to provide a forum for discussing philosophy, ethics, and academia. Their priority is to go beyond geographical barriers so that moral philosophers from across the globe can communicate the way they would with nearby colleagues.

16. Alexander Pruss’s Blog Written by a philosophy student at Baylor University. This blog gives you an inside view of practical moral philosophy from a younger standpoint.

17. JanusBlog For philosophers exploring doorways such as those between ethical and intellectual excellence, reliability and personal responsibility, knowledge and action, and naturalism and normatively.

18. Morality and the Good Life This is a blog with a focus on current moral philosophies. This philosophy professor discusses current events and how they relate to moral ethics.

19. In Living Color A philosophy instructor and writer discusses ethics and the good life. Animal’s rights, religion, books, and parenthood are just some of her subjects.

20. Adventures in Ethics and Science A philosopher of science’s musings on responsible conduct of scientific research, communication between scientists and non-scientists about the issues that matter to both camps, and teaching science and ethics.

Political Philosophy

The study of government and the relationship of individuals and communities to the state. It includes questions about justice, the good, law, property, and the rights and obligations of citizens.

21. Jacob T. Levy Jacob T. Levy is a Professor of Political Theory in the Department of Political Science at McGill University. His focuses of discussion are multiculturalism and nationalism; federalism; the rights of indigenous peoples and constitutional theory.

22. JustWarTheory.com An editorial blog on philosophical studies of warfare. The articles attempt to distinguish between justifiable and unjustifiable uses of organized armed forces.

23. P.A.P. Blog This blog is about politics, art, and philosophy. That’s why it’s called P.A.P. Blog. Art and philosophy are discussed to an extent that encompasses most if not all important political topics.

24. Obsidian Wings A multiblog written by a professor of philosophy, several lawyers, and a political ethics student. You get several thoughts and insights on political issues around the world.

25. Public Reason The purpose of the blog is to provide an open forum for the academic political philosophy and theory community to discuss our common work. Contributions from women, members of historically under-represented groups, and academics from non-Anglophone countries are especially welcomed.

26. Philosophy Etcetera Here you’ll find discussion of analytic philosophy, politics, ethics, religion, and other items of intellectual interest.


This philosophy deals with beauty, art, enjoyment, sensory-emotional values, perception, and matters of taste and sentiment.

27. deleuze at greenwich The online home of Volcanic Lines deleuzian research group which is based in the philosophy department of the University of Greenwich, London. The site exists to provide information about the research group’s aims and activities.

28. Virtual Philosopher Reflects the writers’ interests in philosophy, critical thinking, art and photography. It includes thoughts, interviews, book reviews, and links.

29. Talking Philosophy This is the blog of TPM - The Philosophers’ Magazine. Posts are quality philosophy in a readable format for readers both within and outside academe.

30. Theological Aesthetics Offers a fascinating insight behind the scenes and into the minds that create the work, what inspires it and what it means. Articles show the relationship between theology and aesthetics.


Studies patterns of thinking that lead from true premises to true conclusions, originally developed in Ancient Greece. Beginning in the late 19th century, mathematicians such as Frege focused on a mathematical treatment of logic. Today the subject of logic has two broad divisions: mathematical logic (formal symbolic logic) and what is now called philosophical logic.

31. Logic Matters Blog on logic, philosophy of mathematics, and other matters by a Cambridge University lecturer. Read some of his reflections and obviously skeptical thoughts.

32. Nothing of Consequence Written by a member of Arche, a philosophical research centre in the world dedicated to the core areas of logic, language and mathematics. These posts focus on the philosophy of logic, philosophy of mathematics and logic proper.

33. Viking Math A group mathematics blog started by a crew of Portland State Mathematics students and Alumni. Find posting on all sorts of levels of mathematics.

34. Enigmania Answer the puzzles to the virtue of paradox through the philosophy of mathematics. Blogs are posted frequently and categorized by subject, alphabetically, and by areas of interest.

35. LogBlog From a professor of philosophy at the University of Calgary. Posts provide insights on logic, philosophy and anything else that enters his mind.

36. Obscure and Confused Ideas Perspectives on philosophy of science, its history, and related issues in logic. These articles are written by an outspoken graduate student at the University of Pittsburgh.

Philosophy of Language

The reasoned inquiry into the nature, origins, and usage of language.

37. Business Affairs Periodic essays on topics in cognitive science, language and religion. All from an analytic philosophy perspective.

38. Lemmings Very in-depth information from a female Associate Professor of Philosophy. This blog is devoted to issues in language, epistemology, metaphysics, and mind.

39. Conceptual Origami This blog is mostly concerned with bioinformatics, emergent semantics, philosophy of language, and user experience (UX) exploration. It was created to encourage inter-disciplinary studies.

40. logicandlanguage.net From a learned professor at Washington University in St. Louis comes this weblog in logic and the philosophy of language.

41. Buffalo Philosophy A multi blog by graduate students of the State University of New York, University at Buffalo. This blog is concerned with philosophy of language, ethics and epistemology.

42. Language Log A variety of posts from different authors on aspects of the philosophy of language. Their main focus is on cognitive skills and how they relate to language used today.

43. Methods of Projection This blog is dedicated to the great philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein. His influences have been felt in nearly every field of the humanities and social sciences. There are widely diverging interpretations of his thought on language.

Philosophy of Mind

The nature of the mind and its relationship to the body, and is typified by disputes between dualism and materialism. In recent years there is an increasing connection between this branch of philosophy and cognitive science.

44. Brain Pains A group blog dedicated to discussing the philosophy of mind and related issues. It aims to be a forum for the discussion of recent academic work in the field, as well as a place to present ideas that connect with and initiate discussion in the philosophy of mind.

45. Conscious Entities These pages are devoted to short discussions of some of the major thinkers and theories about consciousness. The issues are argued and sometimes clarified on this blog.

46. thinkBuddha Reflections upon philosophy and Buddhist thought and practice. rooted on the one hand in Western philosophical traditions and on the other hand in an approach to Buddhist practice.

47. Pain for Philosophers A philosopher working on issues involving pain that requires knowing quite a bit about what pains are. This blog keeps up with the pain science literature, and collects excerpts of articles relevant to philosophy of mind, philosophical psychology, cognitive science, value-theory, and applied ethics.

48. Philosophy Blog Finishing his PhD dissertation in philosophy at Arizona State University, this professor has a number of opinions on cognitive recognitions and other topics related to the mind.

49. Anderson Brown’s Philosophy Blog A engaged philosophy professor’s notes with emphasis on philosophy of mind. Other topics include metaphysics, ancient Greek philosophy, Buddhism, and Wittgenstein.

50. The Splintered Mind Writings on the topics of philosophy of psychology and also interesting stuff on how ethical thought affects behavior. Topic are introduced in a clear way and sometimes broadly construed.

The revival of Philosophy in American Colleges has increased by fifty to seventy­­-five percent in the past five years. Meanwhile, all seem to agree that philosophical thinking is not simply for “fancy shmansy” intellectuals anymore.

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